Walela's Personal Home Page


Hello Friends - Walela in Cherokee means hummingbird
and the hummingbird is known as the bird of joy.

I hope that my personal web page will bring you some joy.
Although the hummingbird is small in size, its beauty cannot be denied
and it's a bird of fascination. How dainty, but how quickly its wings move.
It appears still, but a good eye can see the fast flutter of its
tiny wings as the bird of joy alights upon a flower.

To me and so many others, the hummingbird is a reminder to us
of all the joys in our lives, and here I hope to share
with you some of my joys in life.

Please visit me at my new site - just click on the graphic below. I think you will enjoy the new changes.

Copyright 2001-2002-2003 Walela - All Rights Reserved

Most Artwork created especially for Walela by Web Designs by Evening Rain

Revised November 9, 2003